

Harvest Supper Service will be at 7.30pm on Saturday 12th October.

The Salvation Army will be taking the service and supper will be provided afterwards. Come along and invite your friends!??

Quarterly Newsletter September 2019

Dear Friends,
Last autumn our son, Nathanael, and I took a trip back to the United States to visit my family. Besides looking forward to that reunion, there was a part of me that was secretly hoping against hope that… Continue reading


A prayer for us to pray this Christmas:
Lord Jesus Christ, we remember today that though your people longed for your coming, many were not prepared to welcome you, failing to recognise you when you came.

Forgive us that we… Continue reading

Pastoral Information 2018

Our pastoral team is here to help.

Please contact us by either;

1. Filling in your name and number on a request slip found in the wooden box to the left in the church porch


2. Contacting Pastoral Co-ordinator… Continue reading

A Thought For Us All

‘How to Walk into Church’ by Tony Payne

How to walk into church is a short book of 64 pages, big writing too making it easily read, but delivers a very powerful message of what is church , why do… Continue reading